Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Thankful For The Tears

Wanna know something odd that I'm thankful for? My pain, all those nights I cried "why me", all those days I felt alone, all the wisdom of situations I didn't want. I'm thankful for every drop, because now if someone asks my advice or calls me crying "why aren't I good enough?" I can tell them what I found out the hard way, you are good enough! Sometimes people are good for you & sometimes their bad & if you only thank God for the good people you are living a shallow life. Because growth doesn't come strictly from the people that encourage & build you up, it comes from the people that tear you down & make you rebuild yourself.
If you've never experienced the bad, how can you appreciate the good?
Those nights you spend alone build you up, they thicken your skin, they deepen your relationship with God. When you have no one to turn to, He's there. Why is it some people hit rock bottom & then look up & decide to follow God? Because they went through the bad & now appreciate God for all He says He is. He's not just God in the good times, He's not just God in the bad times. He is the God of ALL. In every circumstance, in every minute look to Jesus.
Let this encourage those of you who belong to Christ: the storm may be tempestuous, but it is only temporary. The clouds that are temporarily rolling over your head will pass, and then you will have fair weather, an eternal sunshine of glory. Can you not watch with Christ for one hour? “~ Williams Gurnall

Monday, September 15, 2014

Church time! With a little love mixed in

Sorry I didn't post yesterday, I drive 50 miles to church so church is an all day thing lol Church was beyond perfect yesterday. I attend The Father House, my pastors are from South Africa & if you wanna find a Godly couple so much in love, look no farther than these two! They make my heart melt, no joke.
             (Seriously, look at how he looks at her! *swoon*)

 It was all about Godly marriages yesterday, a personal favorite of mine ;), they made little graphs to demonstrate the difference between how Hollywood perceives relationships vs. a Godly relationship. I went ahead & made one up on paint to show you! (You're welcome)
                            (Its not pretty but it'll get the job done)

Okay so you can see the difference obviously, Hollywood builds the relationships from the physical & up which means it's built on a point that can easily topple over (as much as I love beauty, beauty fades my loveys) but see how it builds the most important factors last? Which means their too heavy to be the top layers, they have to be the foundation. God has to be the foundation in a relationship & the rest follows suit. If you wanna hear the full sermon check it out on tfhny.org
As always God bless & don't forget to comment & subscribe/follow

Also if you came here from Pinterest let me know! I'd love to hear from you!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

It gets better.....really it does!

Girls, let me give you a little secret....It gets better! I promise! I never believed all those little stories about how girls magically woke up one day & everything was worked out in their life. Well guess what? It happen! And I'm saying that as a single girl with no prospect.
Let me make a confession, I was pretty dumb when it came to relationships. I put all my happiness into that boy, if he showed me attention I was happy. If he didn't I wasn't happy. What happens when you put your trust & heart into the hands of a 16 year-old boy? It breaks....in fact it shatters. But the problem with me & him is we wouldn't let it go, it carried on for 2 years before we both waked away. We walked away & I got stronger. Strong enough that when he tried coming back I said no, we tried being friends for a while & just drifted apart. He's married now & I sincerely hope he's happy! But sadly I didn't wise up to BOYS....just him, because I learned he might agree how bad some boys are & that he would never treat you like they did....Well get to know him before you believe that is all I'll say.

Now let me tell you about the man that will TRULY never hurt you. The man that counts your tears & doesn't cause them. You want flowers? He planted them across the whole world. Just for you! The only Giver of Peace, you want someone to talk to you until you fall asleep at night? He always answers, there's no fear of a empty sounding voicemail. So ladies let me tell you, Pinky got it wrong your daddy isn't the only man a girl can trust because Jesus has been there all along, He's not the one who drifted He's just waiting. Just like in Mark when the Disciples were in the storm but couldn't understand why Jesus slept, He wanted their faith. See He takes away fear, He was in the same boat but they didn't understand they was with the Man that could calm the sea's all they saw was the storm in front of them but when they called out the name of Jesus He rose & demanded the storms to cease. Now why don't you believe that the Man that could do that, could calm your storm? Cry out to Jesus ladies, you may not see Him but He's always there just waiting.
God bless, don't forget to comment & follow!

Mark 4:39 And He awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.


Friday, September 12, 2014

As promised....

Remember when I said we was gonna talk makeup? As promised here we goooooo!
So what's you guys thoughts on contouring & highlighting? I've used a highlighter but never got the right product to contour...I know I'm God's masterpiece but I wish He would have went a little thinner on my nose! lol So I'm really wanting to try contouring, what's the best products for it?

                                                     (Hello there!)

Wanna know what else I'm loving? Wine colored lips! I got a real cheapo lip stick (I'm talking dollar store brand) but it's a deep rich wine color & I'm in LOVE. Once I apply lip liner there's no real difference quality wise except I have to apply it more than I would have to a better brand....(Quick thought maybe since I'm running a sorta beauty blog I can use it as an excuse to start splurging? hmmmm)

So what's some of you gals new favorite trends or tips? Would love to hear! Comment & don't forget to subscribe!

As always God bless!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Welcome to my blog!

I may be a nerd but this is pretty exciting, writing my first blog post! So shall we get to know each other a little? As you already know my name's Stacie, I'm 21 & I live in New York most the year but in the winter I go to either Florida or North Carolina so you Southerners keep your eye out ;) I'm currently single & waiting for my husband that I've been praying for (Preferably a preacher haha) I spend most of my days reading, checking out new fashion/beauty and sitting in a car haha How about some random facts? I would give anything for a English Bulldog, I'm scared of driving, I've been to Disney World 3 times & can't wait to go back. I recently spoke in front of a church for the first time & almost fainted lol So any thing else you wanna know or share? I'm an open book!
God Bless!