Saturday, September 13, 2014

It gets better.....really it does!

Girls, let me give you a little secret....It gets better! I promise! I never believed all those little stories about how girls magically woke up one day & everything was worked out in their life. Well guess what? It happen! And I'm saying that as a single girl with no prospect.
Let me make a confession, I was pretty dumb when it came to relationships. I put all my happiness into that boy, if he showed me attention I was happy. If he didn't I wasn't happy. What happens when you put your trust & heart into the hands of a 16 year-old boy? It fact it shatters. But the problem with me & him is we wouldn't let it go, it carried on for 2 years before we both waked away. We walked away & I got stronger. Strong enough that when he tried coming back I said no, we tried being friends for a while & just drifted apart. He's married now & I sincerely hope he's happy! But sadly I didn't wise up to BOYS....just him, because I learned he might agree how bad some boys are & that he would never treat you like they did....Well get to know him before you believe that is all I'll say.

Now let me tell you about the man that will TRULY never hurt you. The man that counts your tears & doesn't cause them. You want flowers? He planted them across the whole world. Just for you! The only Giver of Peace, you want someone to talk to you until you fall asleep at night? He always answers, there's no fear of a empty sounding voicemail. So ladies let me tell you, Pinky got it wrong your daddy isn't the only man a girl can trust because Jesus has been there all along, He's not the one who drifted He's just waiting. Just like in Mark when the Disciples were in the storm but couldn't understand why Jesus slept, He wanted their faith. See He takes away fear, He was in the same boat but they didn't understand they was with the Man that could calm the sea's all they saw was the storm in front of them but when they called out the name of Jesus He rose & demanded the storms to cease. Now why don't you believe that the Man that could do that, could calm your storm? Cry out to Jesus ladies, you may not see Him but He's always there just waiting.
God bless, don't forget to comment & follow!

Mark 4:39 And He awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.


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