Monday, October 26, 2015

A Journey Into Modesty Part 2

Learning Modesty The Hard Way

I've been doing a lot of research into what different people think & feel modesty is, pretty much all agree that modesty goes past your fashion & the root is located in your heart.

Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also. Matthew 23:26

How can one walk around boasting about "Oh I won't wear short skirts, I'm a Christian" but then turn around & spit in God's face with their sin? I could turn this whole series into a self righteous look how Holy I am compared to others attitude, but how wrong would I be? There's 2 reasons I would never do that

1. What good is a long skirt if my heart is full of sin?

2. I am scared to death starting this journey.

 And how crazy is that? I'm scared of dressing modestly? No, I have never been a person with great self-esteem so I tried covering that up by baring it all (Not LITERALLY) the slinkier, the tighter, the shorter, the better. I always felt plain next to people so I thought revealing more would even the odds, and let's be honest revealing clothes tend to be a heck of a lot cheaper. So yes I'm scared, scared that the next time I'm around certain people I'll feel frumpy & ugly, it's an issue I've prayed about for years and I'm praying this journey will bring healing, I'm scared to go shopping because everything tends to lean more towards bare it all than cover it up. Yesterday I tried my first dive into the modest look, I wasn't happy or sad about my outfit. I had very little time to put it together because we went to the early service at church and I'm just not a morning person haha I think a skinny belt would have brought it together a little more, also how do you feel about the length? It hit right at my knees so i felt comfortable but this is OUR journey so I'm open to suggestions.

Have any of you decided to take the first step? Let me know I'd love to hear from you!
Xoxo Stacie 

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