Tuesday, October 13, 2015

This weekend.....

Wow!!! What a crazy weekend!! (well technically I've been gone since Thursday so whatever word there is for that....) I left at about 4 am Thursday for Richmond VA, my uncle was preaching at a revival there and my whole family and I have become close to our "Church family" down there so we go  whenever we get the chance, it was an amazing time in the Lord!!! There was 5 Holy Ghost filled services plus one late night Holy Ghost After Party! (More about that later) My uncle gave an amazing message as usual, as well as the other ministers including Gerald Crabb! Whew! That man can preach the walls down and has a sense of humor that will have you on the floor with tears down your face laughing so hard
Gerald Crabb!
But I gotta warn you, when your spirit gets built up so much the devil finds another way to bring you down. Well he decided to attack my flesh, Saturday night I was sitting in the hotel lobby full of everyone that came in for the revival & my stomach started churning...I barely made it to the bathroom in the lobby before I...lets just say got sick! haha! I went to bed shortly afterwards & was up about every hour sick, I get very acquainted with that bathroom floor! haha Church started at 11 that morning, I was so weak I had to lay in bed in between trying to get dressed. My parents offered to take me to a walk in clinic but I knew the devil would love that so I powered through and not only made the service but got a blessing from it!! So many things happen this weekend I feel like I can't contain it to one post so you may see another post here or there about a story this weekend, one thing I do have to say I took note of to tell you guys of is Saturday night the worship leader sung a song that no exaggeration knocked me off my feet, you may have already heard it but it was a first for me, Its called I Held On Until The Storm Was Over it talked about how we don't need to be perfect or "good" because its not our works that makes the difference anyways we just need to hold on, it was like a cloud drifting away from the sun. I saw things so differently, I beat myself up so much because I feel weak if I mess up or make a wrong choice and it was like God confirming that I don't make the difference Jesus does. So just to encourage anyone that feels like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, it's not! Jesus Christ took your burden, walked it up that Hill and nailed it to the Cross! I wish I had video of the song to share but I can't find a version that's just right, when you hear it live nothing afterwards sounds how you like haha But I encourage you to look it up because you might enjoy a version that you find (Share the link in the comments if you do! I'd love to hear it)

Now the fun part!!! I honestly don't think there is words to describe how much fun I had at the Holy Ghost After Party! Something amazing happens when you get around 50 young adults that love Jesus and having fun together! The guest speaker also happens to be a Christian rapper so we went hard for Jesus that night!! It went on until after midnight, he sung a few of his songs that were everyone's favorites. They also had regular worship before his message & during the altar call, the message was about how Jesus tore the veil he had a veil set up during worship showing how we were separated before Jesus came down and bridged the gap. All in all the extended weekend was more amazing than I could ever describe, I wouldn't even take back the illness if it meant taking back the blessings!

Hope you enjoyed this long post haha Leave some love & as always be blessed!
Xoxo Stacie

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